MSCA-NET Training
MSCA-NET Trainings
3 - 4 May 2023 - Copenhagen, Denmark
The next project training activities will take place the 3-4 May 2023 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The draft agenda foresees the following topics:
-Training on Financial & Legal Issues in MSCA
-Training on Consortium Agreement, Grant Agreement & Partnership Agreement
-Training on IPR, Exploitation & Commercialisation (EEN)
These trainings are only for MSCA NCP upon invitation via the Google Group on a "first come, first served" basis. The invitation will be sent out at the beginning of 2023
3 - 4 May 2023 - Copenhagen, Denmark
The next project training activities will take place the 3-4 May 2023 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The draft agenda foresees the following topics:
-Training on Financial & Legal Issues in MSCA
-Training on Consortium Agreement, Grant Agreement & Partnership Agreement
-Training on IPR, Exploitation & Commercialisation (EEN)
These trainings are only for MSCA NCP upon invitation via the Google Group on a "first come, first served" basis. The invitation will be sent out at the beginning of 2023
Date: -
Welcome to the MSCA-NET project, the project whose main objective is to facilitate the transnational cooperation between...
Target: National contact points
Themes: Marie Skłodowska Curie actions (MSCA), Pillar 1