Open call with SSH aspects on new forms of cooperation in agriculture and the forest-based sector

Published on: 28/05/2024

Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) launched a transnational call with SSH aspects on "New forms of cooperation in agriculture and the forest-based sector" with deadline for proposals on 18 September 2024.


Deadline for proposal submission: 18 September 2024 17:00 (Brussels time)


Weblink (URL):

Call text 


Short Call Abstract:

This topic addresses diverse forms of cooperation among primary producers and beyond in wider value networks as well as suitable business models to create high-value bio-based products in vertically integrated value chains via advanced biorefineries. 

Proposals under this topic should:

  • Assess the feasibility and suitability of new forms of cooperation among primary producers
  • Develop wider value networks, clusters, and other forms of collaboration in the bio-based sectors
  • Use of technologies and logistics in a symbiotic and resource-efficient way
  • Identify and develop solutions to overcome the barriers for the valorisation of underutilised biomass
  • Demonstrate the economic and sustainable feasibility of the production of high added-value bio-based products
  • Develop economic viable long-term business plans and marketing strategies as well as other non-financial benefits (e.g. education training, technical assistance, access to new technologies and innovations, market information, etc.) . Identify new skilled job opportunities in primary production and investments in underrepresented rural areas
  • Develop environmental impacts assessment models as well as social benefits to constantly optimising the production
  • Develop suitable governance models to ensure the practical feasibility of implementing such cooperations in specific and varying institutional contexts

More information in the call text  .


SSH aspects (keywords/disciplines):

Economics, Business, Marketing, Sociology, Political Science


Specific participation requirements (optional):




Eu Member States, including their outermost regions; the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) linked to the Member States; countries associated to Horizon Europe; low- and middle-income countries described in Annex B of the Work Programme General Annexes. 

More details here