Open call with SSH aspects on new forms of cooperation in agriculture and the forest-based sector
Published on: 28/05/2024
Deadline for proposal submission: 18 September 2024 17:00 (Brussels time)
Weblink (URL):
Short Call Abstract:
This topic addresses diverse forms of cooperation among primary producers and beyond in wider value networks as well as suitable business models to create high-value bio-based products in vertically integrated value chains via advanced biorefineries.
Proposals under this topic should:
- Assess the feasibility and suitability of new forms of cooperation among primary producers
- Develop wider value networks, clusters, and other forms of collaboration in the bio-based sectors
- Use of technologies and logistics in a symbiotic and resource-efficient way
- Identify and develop solutions to overcome the barriers for the valorisation of underutilised biomass
- Demonstrate the economic and sustainable feasibility of the production of high added-value bio-based products
- Develop economic viable long-term business plans and marketing strategies as well as other non-financial benefits (e.g. education training, technical assistance, access to new technologies and innovations, market information, etc.) . Identify new skilled job opportunities in primary production and investments in underrepresented rural areas
- Develop environmental impacts assessment models as well as social benefits to constantly optimising the production
Develop suitable governance models to ensure the practical feasibility of implementing such cooperations in specific and varying institutional contexts
More information in the call text .
SSH aspects (keywords/disciplines):
Economics, Business, Marketing, Sociology, Political Science
Specific participation requirements (optional):
Eu Member States, including their outermost regions; the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) linked to the Member States; countries associated to Horizon Europe; low- and middle-income countries described in Annex B of the Work Programme General Annexes.
More details here