
The Store offers you tools and services developed by NCPs that are useful for participating in Horizon Europe


Policy Brief on Supervision in MSCA

This policy brief provides a short overview of the requirements related to supervision in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions and helps researchers to better understand the policy objectives within the context of the MSCA.
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Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

View site

Target: National contact points, Participants

Themes: Pillar 1, Marie Skłodowska Curie actions (MSCA)

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Training for Nigerian NCPs

Training for Nigerian NCPs

This is the first training course organized in the framework of the TA project SIEA-2018-21317 by the ICON - Europe ltd consortium in collaboration with the Nigerian TETFUND (Tertiary Education Trust Fund) and COGNITY Advisory. Next course will be delivered in January 17th (Friday). The training ai...

NCP-only training


NCP Portal Management

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Global Service Facility NCP Exchange Webinar - MSCA – Networking and Future Activities

Global Service Facility NCP Exchange Webinar - MSCA – Networking and Future Activities

This 45-minute video provides information for MSCA NCPs about other NCP networks and EU initiatives with which they can collaborate and also shows possibilities on how to engage in future MSCA NCP activities



NCPs in Partner Countries

23/04/2024 - On-line
Introduction to "Excellent Science"
PIllar 1 course

Introduction to "Excellent Science"

This course aims to provide NCPs with basic knowledge of the pillar 1 programmes (ERC, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions and Research Infrastructures).


NCP Portal Management

Policy brief on SYNERGIES

Policy brief on SYNERGIES

Our fifth policy brief is available! Please check out the new policy brief on ‘Synergies’ to help you, your clients and facilitators understand the policy background of this topic relevant to the MSCA.



Global Service Facility NCP Exchange Webinar - Discover the MSCA-NET Project

Global Service Facility NCP Exchange Webinar - Discover the MSCA-NET Project

This 45-minute video provides an overview of the tools and services offered by the MSCA-NET project. It shows how the MSCA-NET can help MSCA NCPs in EU partner countries to support researchers and research institutions in their respective countries.



NCPs in Partner Countries

19/12/2023 - On-line
SE and COFUND Evolution Guides 2022

SE and COFUND Evolution Guides 2022

These documents are prepared to present some statistical data related to the COFUND call “MSCA – COFUND 2022” & Staff Exchanges (SE) call “HORIZON-MSCA-2022-SE-01″. Those who are planning to write a proposal to the next DN and SE calls call might have an idea about the application statistics of the ...



Global Service Facility Coaching and Mentoring Webinar - MSCA Staff Exchanges, Doctoral Networks and Postdoctoral Fellowships

Global Service Facility Coaching and Mentoring Webinar - MSCA Staff Exchanges, Doctoral Networks and Postdoctoral Fellowships

This 60-minute video inform about the Staff Exchanges, Doctoral Networks and Postdoctoral Fellowships within the MSCA programme. It also gives a short overview of some important cross cutting topics and shows various options for finding project partners and hosting offers.



NCPs in Partner Countries

12/03/2024 - On-line


If you are looking for a partner institution for your MSCA project or a host institution for your fellowship, the MSCA-NET project provides an Expression of Interest tool to browse existing openings and post new ones. EOI can be posted for Postdoctoral Fellowship (PF), Non-academic Placement or Doc...



Handbook for MSCA PF call 2024

Handbook for MSCA PF call 2024

The popular handbook for the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship has been updated for the call 2024. The handbook supports the proposal writing with tips and tricks for every part of the proposal.



MSCA Doctoral Network Handbook

MSCA Doctoral Network Handbook

The information contained in this document is intended to assist and support, in an unofficial and practical way, anyone submitting a proposal to the MSCA Doctoral Network Call with the deadline of 15/11/2022.



Handbook for MSCA COFUND call 2024
MSCA-NET COFUND Handbook 2024

Handbook for MSCA COFUND call 2024

The handbook for the MSCA COFUND call 2024 is now published. This document can support in the proposal writing phase and provides tips and tricks for every section of the application.



Invitation to Peer-to-peer webinar for NCPs: Latest on UK Association to Horizon Europe

Invitation to Peer-to-peer webinar for NCPs: Latest on UK Association to Horizon Europe

Following the UK government announcement on 7th September to associate to Horizon Europe, there are a lot of questions on information on the UK Horizon Association deal as well as the Horizon Europe Guarantee, and support available to UK organisations to take advantage of the funding and collaborati...

NCP-only training

NCP Portal Management
