
The Store offers you tools and services developed by NCPs that are useful for participating in Horizon Europe


Showing 1 - 6 of 6

Catalogue of Partner Expertise from Widening Countries - Part 1
Catalogue of Partner Expertise from Widening Countries - Part 1

Catalogue of Partner Expertise from Widening Countries - Part 1

The Catalogue is a tool for Horizon Europe consortia building to identify and engage with potential partners from the Widening Countries who possess the specific skills and knowledge required for collaboration under Cluster “Health” calls. Profiles were collected from the Horizon Europe Cluster “Hea...


Cluster 1

Annotated Template - Information on Clinical Studies

Annotated Template - Information on Clinical Studies

The basis for this annotated version of the application template is the document “Information on clinical studies (HE)", published by the European Commission, version 4.2 of April 1st 2023. The comments of the Health NCPs are just recommendations and suggestions. Please always follow all instruct...


Cluster 1

Guidelines for Pitch Sessions for institutions from Widening Countries

Guidelines for Pitch Sessions for institutions from Widening Countries

The ‘Pitching Guidelines’ document contains tips for institutions from widening countries. The aim of this document is to help applicants prepare suitable materials that will have greater impact when they introduce themselves at brokerage events organised for Horizon Europe calls or other events of ...


Cluster 1

Guidelines for Partner Search

Guidelines for Partner Search

This document aims to guide Horizon Europe applicants in finding potential partners especially under the Health Cluster of the Programme, by providing them with tips on “how to get noticed”, how to choose the right channels to reach the right partners, and how to advertise at best their own expertis...


Cluster 1

Blind evaluations in Horizon Europe - Q&A

Blind evaluations in Horizon Europe - Q&A

On 28 February 2023, the European Commission held a virtual info session for National Contact Points (NCPs) about “blind evaluations in Horizon Europe”. Although this event was aimed at NCPs, the recording and slides are openly available and are also useful for Horizon Europe applicants. This doc...


Cluster 1

Advancing Europe Package
AEP Widening

Advancing Europe Package

The Advancing Europe Package is a tool provided by NCP_WIDERA.NET to support international networking and coordination, and to improve the quality of proposals through better access to services provided by the NCPs during the application process, in particular with regard to Widening Participation a...


Widening & ERA