

The Academy offers you access to the available online and onsite training resources for Horizon Europe, along with reference courses


HE Partnerships: navigating a unique collaborative research instrument

The course offers a comprehensive overview of the European Partnerships within Horizon Europe. It outlines the rationale for establishing these Partnerships and their distinction from the other collaborative funding instruments.
Partnership cover image
Horizon Academy

NCP Portal Management

Connecting and training NCPs toward a unified support system

Target: National contact points, Participants

Themes: Cluster 1 Health, Pillar 2, Cluster 4 Digital, Industry and Space, Cluster 5 Climate, Energy and Mobility, Cluster 6 Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment, NCP skills, Cross cutting elements within Horizon Europe

Why this course?

This course is designed to give you a simple but precise explanation about the different European Partnerships.

Overall goal:

This course provides an overview of the European Partnerships of Horizon Europe and key considerations for those interested in participating. For each Partnership, it is highlighted the organisations behind its establishment, its aims, main activities and a selected project.

Course overview:

In the first module, an overview of European Partnerships will be presented, exploring their purpose and key features. Modules 2 to 5 (participants may choose one of them), will cover European Partnerships across the different thematic clusters. Module 6 will briefly cover the "EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities" and present proposed additional partnerships, along with key considerations for those interested in participating in a partnership. 



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