Cluster 4

This Cluster 4 site was jointly created by the three NCP projects for Digital (IDEAL-IST), Industry (NCP4Industry), and Space (COSMOS4HE). It will help you identify the best-suited call within Cluster 4 for your project ideas as well as the related support service from the responsible National Contact Point.


The ICT NCP Network - active since 1996.

Ideal-ist is an international ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) National Contact Point (NCP) network, supporting research and innovation activities for the EU Framework Programmes. The network includes more than 65 partners from Member States, Associated Countries, Eastern European Partner Countries (EEPC), Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC), and other countries throughout the world.

Runtime:       March 2022 – February 2025
Partner:         NCPs from 29 countries


Logo Indistry


The network includes 18  NCP’ hosting organisations established in European Member States and Horizon Europe Associated Countries, with the aim to set the basis of equal and consistent NCPs’ services to the industry sector, by fostering the circulation of knowledge, good practices and available opportunities in Horizon Europe among industrial research and innovation communities (e.g. small and medium enterprises (SMEs), large enterprises, academia, research organisations, non-profit organisations, public administrations, and consultancies).



A network of National Contact Points (NCPs) is the main structure to provide guidance, practical information and assistance on all aspects of participation in Horizon Europe.

In 2007, under FP7, the EU started funding an NCP Space network which was named COSMOS. The acronym stands for Continuation of Cooperation Of Space NCPs as a Means to Optimise Services. The term COSMOS originates from the Greek language and means orderly system. This is what the NCPs want to achieve within the project.

The main target of the COSMOS project, from its beginning during FP7 to the current COSMOS4HE under Horizon Europe, is to allow NCPs to benefit from each other’s experience and thus raise the overall quality of their services. Additional information services are established like a joint website and a news service, providing information about Space and EU Framework Programme related topics. Furthermore, international information days in support of the European Commission are organised, with emphasis on bringing potential project partners together. Last, but not least, a country-independent helpdesk for EU framework Space research related questions is established.

Runtime:       July 2022 – August 2025
Partner:         NCPs from 16 countries
Coordinator:  FORTH/PRAXI Network – Greece


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How to prepare a successful proposal in Horizon Europe (1)

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NCP Portal Management

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