NCP4Missions is a networking project of National Contact Points (NCPs) for the five EU Missions, representing 19 Member States or Associated Countries. The project provides continuous capacity-building measures to support NCPs in their work, including e.g. E-learnings, Deep Dives, Meet&Share sessions and Mission Updates. The project also aims to lower the entry barriers for applicants and raise the quality of proposals by offering support to potential Mission applicants, including brokerages, workshops and other digital tools.
NCP4Missions strives to function as an interface between the European Commission (EC), MS/AC and the NCPs, supporting a better exchange of information on the EU Missions between all relevant parties on the national and EU level. The project will establish important collaborations with relevant Mission stakeholders, including Mission Hubs, Mission Implementation Platforms, and other NCP networks, to detect synergies and to foster potential joint activities.
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