About us

Kick-off NCP4Missions

NCP4Missions consortium

NCP4Missions is a networking project of National Contact Points (NCPs) for the five EU Missions with the objective of improving and professionalize NCP support services for the EU Mission Calls, lowering entry barriers for applicants and raising the quality of proposals, and enhancing the visibility of the Mission NCPs and the cooperation with other relevant stakeholders and networks.

The project provides continuous capacity-building measures for NCPs (including E-learnings, Deep Dives, Meet&Share, Mission Updates) to support NCPs in their work, allowing them to provide better and more consistent Mission NCP services to all applicants, with a specific focus on the needs of less experienced NCPs. Adding to this, brokerages, workshops and digital tools are offered to potential Mission applicants and also establish important collaborations with all relevant Mission stakeholders (e.g. Mission Hubs, Mission Implementation Platforms, NCP networks) to detect synergies and foster potential joint activities.

Who are we?

The NCP4Missions team includes Mission NCPs from 19 countries with an excellent balance regarding geographical coverage and diversity as well as Mission affiliation, background, level of expertise and knowledge. NCP4Missions comprises partners from four Associated countries, eight EU-13 countries and seven EU-15 countries. Out of these partners, 13 represent widening countries. In addition to their work on the Missions, many of the team members also fulfill other related roles within Horizon Europe and other programmes. Based on the diverse expertise of the consortium, NCP4Missions establishes a united, professional, and adaptive network of Mission NCPs covering all five EU Missions, considering the different needs of Mission NCPs and their highly diverse working conditions.


  1. Forschungszentrum Julich (DE) - Coordinator
  2. Idryma Technologias Kai Erevnas (GR)
  3. Idryma Erevnas Kai Kainotomias (CY0)
  4. Ministerul Cercetarii Inovarii Si Digitalizarii (RO)
  5. Osterreichische Forschungsforderungsgesellschaft (AU)
  6. Ministere De L'enseignement Superieur Et De La Recherche (FR)
  7. Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (GE)
  8. Scientific And Innovation Partnership Assistance Center (AR)
  9. Sihtasutus Eesti Teadusagentuur (EE)
  10. Centrum vedecko-technických informácií Slovenskej republiky (SR)
  11. Lietuvos Mokslo Taryba (LV)
  12. Rannsóknarmiðstöð Íslands (IS)
  13. Agenzia Per La Promozione Della Ricerca Europea (IT)
  14. Narodowe Centrum Badan I Rozwoju (PL)
  15. Nemzeti Kutatasi Fejlesztesi Es Innovacios Hivatal (HU)
  16. Agencia Nacional De Inovacao (PT)
  17. Latvijas Zinatnes Padome (LV)
  18. Ministerie Van Economische Zaken En Klimaat (NL)
  19. Turkiye Bilimsel Ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TR)


The project is set to run from 1 September 2023 to 29 February 2028.