How to approach a successful proposal in CBE JU – with experiences from Widening Countries
This is an opportunity for 50 potential applicants, interested in WP 2024 CBE JU, to benefit from knowledge and practical approach gained through the experiences of coordinators, especially from Widening Countries, in previous BBI/CBE JU projects, who will be invited as speakers for the training session.

Location: Brussels
Target: Participants
Themes: Cluster 6 Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment, Pillar 2, Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area
The registration is mandatory and will be opened until 17th of April 2024.
This training will take place the day before the CBE JU Infoday 2024,
NCP_WIDERA.NET will offer to applicants from Widening Countries travel grants up to 1.000 EUR, under the following conditions:
3_cbe-widening-strategy-and-action-plan_ncp-training-22_04_2024_lmascia.pdf |
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29/04/2024 |
5_how-to-approach-a-successful-proposal-in-cbe-ju_pocaterra.pdf |
9.55MB |
29/04/2024 |