

The Academy offers you access to the available online and onsite training resources for Horizon Europe, along with reference courses.


IP and Artificial Intelligence webinar

The European Commission Horizon Results Platform organizes in collaboration with EU IP Helpdesk a webinar on IP and Artificial Intelligence.

This webinar is tailored to the EU beneficiaries.

Date: -

Location: On-line

European Commission

European Commission

The executive branch of the European Union (EU)

Target: Participants

Themes: Key processes for proposals in Horizon Europe, Cross cutting elements within Horizon Europe, Horizon Europe Programme

More information visit the EU Funding & Tenders Portal.

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Training on Horizon Europe proposal writing
Proposal writing in HE

Training on Horizon Europe proposal writing

This training will cover from a theoretical and practical approach the main elements of writing proposals under Horizon Europe, taking into account its main novelties and requirement. A MUST training for the start of the programme.



NCP Portal management

16/09/2021 - 17/09/2021 - Online
Horizon Implementation Day: Finding opportunities and submitting a proposal in Horizon Europe

Horizon Implementation Day: Finding opportunities and submitting a proposal in Horizon Europe

How to find opportunities within Horizon Europe? Gain a quick overview of Horizon Europe, learn about the Funding & Tenders Portal and how it can help you find the right partners and topic calls. How are the proposals evaluated? Well you can learn about it all here :)


Cluster 6

Lump Sum Funding in Horizon Europe: How does it work? How to write a proposal?

Lump Sum Funding in Horizon Europe: How does it work? How to write a proposal?

Lump sums are a novelty in Horizon Europe. Learn all about the concept here and how to write a lump sum proposal. There's room for Q&A as well


Cluster 6

Invitation to Peer-to-peer webinar for NCPs: Latest on UK Association to Horizon Europe

Invitation to Peer-to-peer webinar for NCPs: Latest on UK Association to Horizon Europe

Following the UK government announcement on 7th September to associate to Horizon Europe, there are a lot of questions on information on the UK Horizon Association deal as well as the Horizon Europe Guarantee, and support available to UK organisations to take advantage of the funding and collaborati...

NCP-only training

NCP Portal management

Meet & Share session for EU Missions NCPs

Meet & Share session for EU Missions NCPs

The registering is required by all mission NCPs, not just beneficiaries: The event is open to NCP4Missions project beneficiaries and EU Missions NCPs. All EU Missions NCPs (project beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries) are requested to submit their interest in participating by completing the regis...

NCP-only training

The Hague

EU Missions in Horizon Europe

09/10/2024 - 10/10/2024 - The Hague
Workshop: Building up synergies on training activities

Workshop: Building up synergies on training activities

The Horizon Academy project organizes an online workshop dedicated to exploring and mainstreaming synergies among NCP networks, specifically on Trainings. It is the 2nd follow-up event to the Synergies Matrix developed by Horizon Academy project and presented before the summer break. For those not...


NCP Portal management

From topic idea to proposal submission
From topic to idea

From topic idea to proposal submission

Understand the journey from call topic, developing a project idea, writing a proposal to submission within the Horizon Europe programme.


NCP Portal management

Horizon Europe Coordinators' Day: Grant Agreement Preparation
Horizon Europe training

Horizon Europe Coordinators' Day: Grant Agreement Preparation

This webinar is specifically designed for Horizon Europe proposal coordinators



European Commission

26/01/2021 - Online
Transnational and Virtual Access Webinar

Transnational and Virtual Access Webinar

Thursday, 27 April, at 10:00 CET on Webex platform, the second webinar on TA/VA opportunities



Research infrastructure
Cluster 5

27/04/2023 - On-line
Thematic pages on cross-cutting topics

Thematic pages on cross-cutting topics

This Store tool offers you a compilation of relevant information on cross-cutting topics coming from both the NCP Portal and external sources. The first issue is on Lump sum: scroll down to take a look!


NCP Portal management

DESCA template adapted to Lump Sum projects

DESCA template adapted to Lump Sum projects

On 6 February 2024, the DESCA Group presented at an event in Brussels an updated version of the model Consortium Agreement "DESCA HE 2.0" which highlights the inclusion of special sections and options for projects funded under the Lump Sum modality. In order to prepare this renewed version, more tha...


NCP Portal management

WIDERA ERA EVENTS : ERA Training and ERA Seminar

WIDERA ERA EVENTS : ERA Training and ERA Seminar

WIDERA.NET project is organizing two exclusive onsite events in Reykjavik (Iceland) to improve the NCPs expertise and connections in the field of ERA. Registration is now open for two onsite events: ERA Training and ERA Seminar. Please take note of the following: • The event is for ERA NC...

NCP-only training


Widening & ERA

23/05/2024 - 24/05/2024 - Reykjavik