

The Academy offers you access to the available online and onsite training resources for Horizon Europe, along with reference courses.


NCP-EEN Meet & Exchange + NCP Training @ ANUGA FoodTec, Cologne (Germany)

As part of the ANUGA FoodTec fair, to be organized in Cologne in March 2024, EEN Sector Group Agrifood and CARE4BIO will collaborate in order to organize a “NCP-EEN Meet & Exchange” session in the afternoon of 19 March 2024.
This Meet & Exchange session will allow a select group of both NCPs and EEN advisors to network and exchange around potential synergies between both networks.
This session will be preceded by an on-site NCP training focused on synergies with the EEN network, in the morning of 19 March 2024.

A “save the date” for both events will be circulated soon to Cluster 6 NCPs.


Location: Cologne


Cluster 6

Food, Bioeconomy, Natural resources, Agriculture and Environment

View site

Target: National contact points

Themes: Cluster 6 Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment, Pillar 2






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