

The Academy offers you access to the available online and onsite training resources for Horizon Europe, along with reference courses.


Synergies between Horizon Europe and the new cohesion policy programmes: a practical approach

The training will be recorded and made available at the NCP restricted area


Date: -

Location: Online

Horizon Academy

NCP Portal Management

Connecting and training NCPs toward a unified support system

Target: National contact points

Themes: Horizon Europe Programme

This 180-minutes webinar aims to provide information to the National Contact Points (NCPs) for the Horizon Europe programme on the synergies and complementarities between the Framework programme for research and innovation 2021-27 and the new generation of cohesion policy programmes, A special emphasis will be devoted the role of NCPs at present and in the future. 
In the first session, representatives of the European Commission will present the legislative framework 2021-27, taking into account the guidelines on synergies between Horizon Europe and the ERDF, published July 2022. The second session will be dedicated to examples of synergies implemented at national and regional level, as well as to experiences from beneficiaries.

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Mastering Cost Budgeting and Reporting in Horizon Europe

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NCP-only training


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Website Administrators Meeting
Screenshot NCP Portal website

Website Administrators Meeting

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NCP-only training


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Horizon Dashboard Platform
Horizon Dachboard

Horizon Dashboard Platform

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NCP Portal Management

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Horizon Europe State of play
State of play - HE

Horizon Europe State of play

This online training will provide an overview of the Horizon Europe state of play in the first six months of the implementation with an emphasis on the updates in the programme.



NCP Portal Management

15/07/2021 - Online
International Cooperation in Horizon Europe
International Cooperation

International Cooperation in Horizon Europe

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NCP Portal Management

09/11/2021 - Online
Horizon Europe Partnerships: Essentials for EU partner country NCPs

Horizon Europe Partnerships: Essentials for EU partner country NCPs

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NCPs in Partner Countries

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Lump Sum Funding in Horizon Europe: How does it work? How to write a proposal?

Lump Sum Funding in Horizon Europe: How does it work? How to write a proposal?

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European Commission

19/10/2023 - On-line
Webinar session: Funding & Tenders Portal Partner Search and person profile
Horizon Europe training

Webinar session: Funding & Tenders Portal Partner Search and person profile

The European Commission will hold a webinar



European Commission

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Coffee Klatsch on Cluster 2 Success Stories

Coffee Klatsch on Cluster 2 Success Stories

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NCP-only training


Cluster 2

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Horizon Results Platform

Horizon Results Platform

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European Commission

Access2EIC Webinar: The Financial Instrument Guide

Access2EIC Webinar: The Financial Instrument Guide

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NCPs in Partner Countries
