Welcome in your new life as NCP
NCP Portal Management
Target: National contact points
Themes: Cross cutting elements within Horizon Europe, NCP skills, Horizon Europe Programme
Informing NCPs about their role and the expected activities within the Horizon Europe programme. Focus also on synergies and connections with the main stakeholders.
The baseline of the course is the “Minimum standards and Guiding principles for setting up systems of National Contact Points”. This document includes the support services that NCPs should guarantee for ensuring that Horizon Europe becomes accessible to all potential users.
The entire course focuses on the following elements of the NCP life:
- main communication channels and the strategy to adopt to inform clients about the funding opportunities
- production of factsheets about the main NCP activities: information, assistance and training
- to provide essential information for events organization (info days, workshop, webinar, M&E...)
- to advise on collaboration with stakeholders of the NCP systems: EEN networks, European Commission, NCP Networks, relevant EU platforms for cooperation.