Overcoming human bias – Sex and gender in research on artificial intelligence

Gender Workshop

Published on: 04/05/2022

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) invites you to join this virtual workshop

This workshop take part of a series of workshops on gender dimension in the European Research Area (ERA) launched by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) . The workshop series aims to support the implementation of gender equality in research and innovation in Europe and to inspire researchers and research managers to address gender issues in their projects.

Save the date! 24th May 2022 "Overcoming human bias – Sex and gender in research on artificial intelligence". The third workshop in this series will take place – as always in online form to enable participation regardless of place.

The workshop will start at 9.30 am and end at 3 pm (CEST). The workshop language is English. No participation fee is required. Participants are warmly invited to contribute with their questions and comments.



In the fourth quarter, another workshop in the series will take place, most likely on the subject of gender and mobility. Through our newsletter (in German) and this website, we will keep you posted on the latest news on this and other issues.