City-to-City Exchanges: online matchmaking event
What about starting the year with a boost of inspiration? What about bringing forward your city challenges and finding solutions by making use of the diversity and richness that Europe has to offer?
Join us on 11 March for an online event that will:
Explain the City-to-City Exchange service and the larger capacity building offer that EUI is proposing to cities
Bring forward testimonials from urban practitioners like you that started already benefiting of this service
Set good grounds for networking and matchmaking for potential applications to City-to-City Exchanges
What is a City-to-City Exchange?
Date: -
Location: Online
EU Missions in Horizon Europe
Target: National contact points, Participants
Themes: Cluster 2 Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society, Pillar 2, Cluster 4 Digital, Industry and Space, Cluster 5 Climate, Energy and Mobility, Missions in HE