Europe’s Rail Info Day 2024
Date: -
Location: Online
Cluster 5
Target: Participants
Themes: Cluster 5 Climate, Energy and Mobility, Pillar 2, Mobility
The event will give you an overview of the aims of the Europe’s Rail Research and Innovation Programme and introduce you to the possibilities to get involved in making rail a more attractive transport mode for both people and businesses in Europe. During the day, you will be able to find out about Europe’s Rail funding opportunity ‘Europe’s Rail Call for Proposals 2024’, worth €21.7 million.
With this Call for Proposals, the Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking intends to build synergies with the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking, addressing the Digital and Automated testing and operation validation of the next EU rail communication system, in a Flagship Project. The topic further supports the work done in Europe’s Rail Flagship Area 2 by taking into account the results of the Europe’s Rail Flagship Project 2 R2DATO and Flagship Project 6 FutuRe. In addition, with this Call, Europe’s Rail will build upon the results of the Shift2Rail Innovation Programme 5, the European Digital Automatic Coupler Delivery Programme and upon the work being delivered by Europe’s Rail Flagship Project 5 TRANS4M-R to address, in a new Flagship Project, the technical steps needed for Full Digital Freight Train Operations, further supporting the work done in Europe’s Rail Flagship Area 5. Lastly, the Call aims to strengthen the collaboration of the different hyperloop promoters in the technology convergence of the hyperloop solutions by defining the operational, safety and reliability aspects and assessing the economic viability, thus supporting Flagship Area 7. For more information on the Call topics, please consult our Work Programme 2024.
Additionally, all registered participants will have the opportunity to participate to a dedicated long-term matchmaking. You will have the capacity to submit your competencies, skills and topics of interest and find like-minded experts.