Focus café on how to promote Horizon Europe
Date: -
Location: Online
Target: National contact points
Themes: Cluster 4 Digital, Industry and Space, Pillar 2, Digital, Industry, Space, Horizon Europe Programme
The three Cluster 4 NCP network projects IDEAL-IST, NCP4Industry and COSMOS4HE invite all Cluster 4 NCPs to a joint focus café on 15th Feruary, 2024, from 11:00 CET to 12:30 CET.
The topic of this focus café will be the promotion of Horizon Europe. To start us off, a couple of NCPs from different countries (both large and small, responsible for specific thematic areas or for the entire cluster) will present how they promote Horizon Europe in their respective countries. After this presentation, you are cordially invited to share some of your own experiences and best practices on Horizon Europe promotion with us or you might like to share a problem that you are facing in your country for the group to discuss.
Please be aware that this event is for NCPs only!
If you would like to participate in the focus café, please register here.