
The Stage provides you access to upcoming events in Horizon Europe and maintains a useful archive


Horizon Implementation Day: Grant Agreement Preparation in Horizon Europe

This is the second part of the Horizon Implementation Day series.

Date: -

Location: On-line

European Commission

European Commission

The executive branch of the European Union (EU)

Target: National contact points, Participants

Themes: Pillar 2, Legal and financial issues, Key processes for proposals in Horizon Europe, Project management, Horizon Europe Programme

This second part of the Horizon Implementation Day series 2023 will give you detailed information about Grant Agreement Preparation in Horizon Europe.

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Mastering Cost Budgeting and Reporting in Horizon Europe

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Personnel costs

Personnel costs in Horizon Europe

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NCP Portal Management

25/05/2022 - Online
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Coffee Klatsch “Last questions before deadline”

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Cluster 2

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Horizon Europe training

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European Commission

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Workshop about potential and emerging value-chains in energy

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Online via Zoom

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Practical side of lump sum grants: Experiences from NCPs and beneficiaries

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NCP-only training


Legal and Financial aspects

04/07/2023 - Online
Horizon Implementation Day: Grant Agreement Preparation in Horizon Europe
European Commission

Horizon Implementation Day: Grant Agreement Preparation in Horizon Europe

The topics covered by this webinar are: - Overview of the GAP process - REA Central Validation Service: legal validation and financial capacity assessment - Scientific/Technical description of the project: Description of Action - Legal and Financial aspects, avoiding common errors


Cluster 1

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Invitation to Peer-to-peer webinar for NCPs: Latest on UK Association to Horizon Europe

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NCP-only training

NCP Portal Management

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NCP Portal Management

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9th Meeting of the Horizon Europe NCPs for Legal and Financial Matters
EU flags

9th Meeting of the Horizon Europe NCPs for Legal and Financial Matters

You can download two documents below: 1. The draft agenda, including a topic on the Association of the UK to Horizon Europe 2. A table with the most voted 20 Slido questions for the dedicated Q&A session on more practical aspects of Horizon Europe

NCP-only training


Legal and Financial aspects

26/10/2023 - Brussels
Lump Sum Funding in Horizon Europe: How does it work? How to write a proposal?

Lump Sum Funding in Horizon Europe: How does it work? How to write a proposal?

Learn everything you need about applying to a lump sum call for proposals in Horizon Europe. The session will be live-streamed.



European Commission

23/10/2024 - On-line
Avoiding errors in declaring personnel costs in Horizon 2020 grants
Personnel cost

Avoiding errors in declaring personnel costs in Horizon 2020 grants

Presentation: "H2020 personnel costs in a nutshell" (David MEJUTO GAYOSO) Presentation: "Avoiding errors in declaring personnel costs in H2020 grants" (Sorin SERBAN)



European Commission

02/12/2021 - Online