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Meet & Share: EU Mission Adaptation to Climate Change support actions

In this Meet & Share session, representatives from the EU Mission support projects will showcase the scope and activities of their projects, demonstrating how NCPs can get involved and benefit from their participation. A Q&A session and an opportunity for discussion will follow.

Date: -

Location: Online

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EU Missions in HE

Climate change, Cancer, Ocean and waters, Smart cities, Soil

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Target: National contact points

Themes: Adaptation to climate change including social transformation, Missions in HE, Pillar 2

In this Meet & Share session, representatives from the EU Mission support projects will showcase the scope and activities of their projects, demonstrating how NCPs can get involved and benefit from their participation. A Q&A session and an opportunity for discussion will follow. 

This session is aimed at all interested thematic and EU Missions NCPs. Hence, please feel free to share this information with your relevant NCP colleagues but please note that access is restricted to officially nominated NCPs only.


11.00 - 11.05: Welcome and Introduction
11.05 - 11.15: Mission Implementation Platform
11.15 - 11.25: ARSINOE 
11.25 - 11.35: IMPETUS
11.35 - 11.45: TrasnsformAr
11.45 - 11.55: REGILIENCE
12.00 - 12.05: CLIMAXX
12.05 - 12.25: Q&A - Discussion
12.25 - 12.30: Closing remarks


Please register your interest to participate in the Meet & Share event by filling-in the form here.



Presentation: Meet & Share - EU Mission Adaptation to Climate Change 10.07.2024




Recording: Meet & Share - EU Mission Adaptation to Climate Change support actions 10.07.2024 (Access restricted to officially nominated NCPs only)



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