
The Stage provides you access to upcoming events in Horizon Europe and maintains a useful archive


Successful R & I in Europe 2024

For the eleventh time, the conference invites researchers and entrepreneurs from North Rhine-Westphalia and all other regions throughout Europe to find new research and innovation (R&I) partners for Horizon Europe projects.

Participants are invited to give a short presentation (ideas and/or results) with a focus on Horizon Europe calls, where a budget of approx. € 95.5 billion is available up until 2027.

Date: -

Location: Germany


Cluster 6

Food, Bioeconomy, Natural resources, Agriculture and Environment

View site

Target: National contact points, Participants

Themes: Cluster 1 Health, Pillar 2, Cluster 2 Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society, Cluster 3 Civil Security for Society, Cluster 4 Digital, Industry and Space, Cluster 5 Climate, Energy and Mobility, Cluster 6 Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment, Missions in HE

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ONLINE TRAINING: International Cooperation in Horizon Europe for pillar 2 NCPs

ONLINE TRAINING: International Cooperation in Horizon Europe for pillar 2 NCPs

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NCP-only training


Cluster 6

14/11/2023 - 29/11/2023 - Online
Advancing Europe Package
AEP Widening

Advancing Europe Package

The Advancing Europe Package is a tool provided by NCP_WIDERA.NET to support international networking and coordination, and to improve the quality of proposals through better access to services provided by the NCPs during the application process, in particular with regard to Widening Participation a...


Widening & ERA

ONLINE: International cooperation (INCO) in Horizon Europe

ONLINE: International cooperation (INCO) in Horizon Europe

The interactive training aims at providing in-depth information for supporting the NCPs in assisting their clients interested in INCO topics. The webinars will explain important aspects of international cooperation and underline them with practical examples and experiences from third countries. The ...

NCP-only training


Cluster 6

26/06/2023 - 27/06/2023 - On-line
WIDERAEXPERTS.EU Portal: User training for NCPs - Presentation and recording avalaible

WIDERAEXPERTS.EU Portal: User training for NCPs - Presentation and recording avalaible

All NCPs are invited to a presentation on a new pre-screening support tool created by the NCP_WIDERA.NET project.

NCP-only training


Widening & ERA

04/09/2023 - On-line
HE Partnerships: navigating a unique collaborative research instrument
Partnership cover image

HE Partnerships: navigating a unique collaborative research instrument

The course offers a comprehensive overview of the European Partnerships within Horizon Europe. It outlines the rationale for establishing these Partnerships and their distinction from the other collaborative funding instruments.


NCP Portal Management

Circular Bio-Based Europe: lesson learn and overview towards the AWP 2024 Focus: how to mobilize the private sector in your country

Circular Bio-Based Europe: lesson learn and overview towards the AWP 2024 Focus: how to mobilize the private sector in your country

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NCP-only training


Cluster 6

13/03/2024 - Online
Cluster 3 “Civil Security for Society” proposals and the effective contribution of Social Sciences and Humanities

Cluster 3 “Civil Security for Society” proposals and the effective contribution of Social Sciences and Humanities

The online event is organised by SEREN5, the international network of Horizon Europe Cluster 3 NCPs (‘Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society) and Net4Society, the international network of Horizon Europe Cluster 2 NCPs (‘Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society’).


Cluster 2

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Cluster 4 and Cluster 5 NCPs meet the EIC Community

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NCP Portal Management

12/04/2024 - On-line
Horizon Implementation Day: Grant Agreement Preparation in Horizon Europe
European Commission

Horizon Implementation Day: Grant Agreement Preparation in Horizon Europe

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Cluster 1

Joint Cluster 4 NCP training “Cluster 4 meets EIC”

Joint Cluster 4 NCP training “Cluster 4 meets EIC”

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NCP-only training


Cluster 4

04/05/2023 - Online
E-learnings on EU Missions

E-learnings on EU Missions

E-learnings delivered via an online training platform, providing valuable and accessible information for NCPs and applicants.


EU Missions in HE

Coffee Klatsch „Lessons learned from Pre-Proposal Check Event”

Coffee Klatsch „Lessons learned from Pre-Proposal Check Event”

This is an informal virtual exchange. You will receive access information shortly before the meeting.

NCP-only training

Cluster 2
