Towards the Green Future: The European Green Deal Brokerage Event

Target: Participants
Themes: Pillar 2
This Brokerage offers research and industry leaders a stage to explore project ideas and gain insights into upcoming Horizon Europe calls, aligning seamlessly with the priorities of the European Union's and Türkiye’s Green Deal joint objectives.
In particular, this one-day event caters to academics, businesses, and nonprofit organizations keen on participating in Horizon Europe research and innovation projects. Participants can exhibit their scientific and technological capabilities, interests, and ideas, and form partnerships with their European counterparts.
Beyond networking, this brokerage offers valuable prospects to collaboratively shape proposals, build consortia, and leverage the expertise of EC officials and international experts. The event will feature a series of presentations on potential proposals, followed by bilateral meetings between Turkish organizations and their European counterparts to explore opportunities for sustainable cooperation and collaborative project development.
Among the distinguished guests participating in the event will be: Mr. Mehmet Fatih KACIR, Minister of Industry and Technology of the Republic of Türkiye, Professor Dr. Hasan MANDAL, President of TÜBİTAK, Mr. Faruk KAYMAKCI, Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Türkiye to the EU (TBC), and Distinguished European Commission Representatives.
The event will take place at Tangla Hotel Brussels, Avenue Emmanuel Mounier 5 , Woluwé St Lambert 1200, Brussels (Belgium).
Please note that online registration is mandatory.
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