
The Stage provides you access to upcoming events in Horizon Europe and maintains a useful archive


TRAMI and EMiN: 2nd European Mission Forum EMIF

As part of the Belgian European Commission Presidency events, the 2nd European Mission Forum EMIF provides an opportunity to showcase the outcomes of nearly 2 years of activities of the TRAnsnational cooperation on the MIssion approach TRAMI project as well as other EU Mission related results and success stories.

EMIF is an in-person only even that will feature an update of the European Mission Network EMiN, the newly founded EU Mission Citizen Observatory and other TRAMI formats, whilst dedicated activities offer a platform to engage more deeply, including with both traditional and "new" mission actors.


Location: Brussels

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EU Missions in HE

Climate change, Cancer, Ocean and waters, Smart cities, Soil

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Target: National contact points, Participants

Themes: Cluster 2 Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society, Pillar 2, Cluster 3 Civil Security for Society, Cluster 5 Climate, Energy and Mobility, Cluster 6 Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment, Missions in HE

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EU Missions in HE