
The Store offers you tools and services developed by NCPs that are useful for participating in Horizon Europe


Check-list for HE RIA actions – single-stage submission procedure

The check-list was developed as a tool for NCPs to help them to review the project proposals in order to help the applicants to develop their project proposals in higher quality. There are included all the conditions / questions published in the WP General Annexes, Application form and Evaluation form.
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Cluster 2

Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society

View site

Target: National contact points, Participants






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Creative solutions to Europe’s challenges through social innovation
Copyright: European Commission

Creative solutions to Europe’s challenges through social innovation

Social innovations are inventive responses that provide solutions to unmet social problems and needs, nurture social relationships and build new collaborations. These innovations can be products, services or models that address societal, business and governmental needs more effectively.

Cluster 2

03 Nov 2022

Monitoring Report: Integration of social sciences and humanities in Horizon 2020

Monitoring Report: Integration of social sciences and humanities in Horizon 2020

The European Commission published the final assessment of the integration of social sciences and humanities (SSH) across Horizon 2020 (2014-2020). The integration of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in Horizon 2020 is an important feature of the programme. To monitor the development of thi...

Cluster 2

29 Nov 2023

Standing up for democracy

Standing up for democracy

This booklet gathers the research and innovation projects selected for EU-funding from the 2023 call for proposals “Standing Up for Democracy” of Horizon Europe’s Cluster 2.


Cluster 2

EU Citizen science: Inspiring examples of societal engagement for Horizon Europe
Cover page Resultspack Citizen Science

EU Citizen science: Inspiring examples of societal engagement for Horizon Europe

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Cluster 2

04 Nov 2022

Newsletter #14 is out!

Newsletter #14 is out!

Happy New Year! Just as in 2023, Net4Society's newsletter will share with you also this year interesting and useful news on Social Sciences and Humanities in Horizon Europe, relevant calls, events, publications, support materials and policy documents.

Cluster 2

15 Jan 2024

Newsletter #24 is out!

Newsletter #24 is out!

In this edition of Net4Society's newsletter, we would like to draw your attention to a compilation of useful HOW-TO factsheets developed by National Contact Points to support you in preparing your project proposals. Additionally, we bring you information on the number of project proposals submitted...

Cluster 2

28 Oct 2024

What is the EEN & how can it help Cluster 2 NCPs and applicants?
Copyright: Enterprise Europe Network

What is the EEN & how can it help Cluster 2 NCPs and applicants?

The Entreprise Europe Network (EEN) is a network of expert advisors active worldwide. It brings together experts from member organisations that are renowned for their excellence in business support. The activities of the EEN has always been complementary to NCP activities and the EEN can offer m...

Cluster 2

19 Dec 2022

Recording and Presentations avalaible: RICH Europe’s Virtual Information Session on Social Aspects in RIs

Recording and Presentations avalaible: RICH Europe’s Virtual Information Session on Social Aspects in RIs

RICH Europe project organizes a new virtual info session, the topic of this session will be the Social Aspects in RIs. This event is organized in collaboration with Net4Society (Cluster 2) open to all NCPs. Registration is compulsory and the agenda can be downloaded below.

NCP-only training


Research infrastructure
Cluster 2

31/01/2024 - Online
SSH Opportunities Document

SSH Opportunities Document

This document is the key resource to find calls and topics with relevance for the Social Sciences and Humanities all over Horizon Europe. It is designed to help potential proposers find topics of interest where their respective research discipline is sought.


Cluster 2

ONLINE TRAINING: International Cooperation in Horizon Europe for pillar 2 NCPs

ONLINE TRAINING: International Cooperation in Horizon Europe for pillar 2 NCPs

The interactive online training aims at providing in-depth information for pillar 2 NCPs. Enhancing NCPs competence in providing support to clients interested in INCO topics. The webinars will explain important aspects of international cooperation and address the background, rules and regulations fo...

NCP-only training


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14/11/2023 - 29/11/2023 - Online
Newsletter #4 is out!
Copyright: jontyson / unsplash

Newsletter #4 is out!

This edition of Net4Society's newsletter contains information on upcoming calls and related info days as well as a selection of useful tips for proposal submission and some interesting new publications.

Cluster 2

13 Feb 2023

Newsletter #15 is out!

Newsletter #15 is out!

Net4Society's newsletter will share with you also this year interesting and useful news on Social Sciences and Humanities in Horizon Europe, relevant calls, events, publications, support materials and policy documents.

Cluster 2

26 Feb 2024