
The Store offers you tools and services developed by NCPs that are useful for participating in Horizon Europe


Transnational and Virtual Access Database

RICH Europe, the European Network of National Contact Points (NCPs) for Research Infrastructures, supports transnational and virtual access to RIs and highlights the opportunities offered by Research Infrastructures - at the European and international levels.
Research Infrastructure TA/VA
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Research infrastructure

Facilities, resources and services

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Target: Participants

Themes: Research Infrastructures (RI), Pillar 1

One of the key activities of the network in supporting the users of the Research Infrastructures is to maintain an up-to-date reference of the calls for Transnational and Virtual Access to the infrastructures themselves. 

What is Transnational Access? How it works?

  • Do you want to run experiments in the best European laboratories?
  • Are you interested in making analyses using the best research equipment?
  • Do you care about accurate measurements?
  • Are you looking for access to unique collections of specimens or documents?
  • Would you like to run experiments on sophisticated, world-class equipment?

Transnational Access ensures free of charge access to the best European research infrastructures. Apart from the cost of research itself, travel, accommodation and subsistence costs may be reimbursed by the budget of the project.

This opportunity is open to all European researchers and to some extent to researchers from non-EU countries.

What is Virtual Access?

Virtual Access ensures free of charge access to e-infrastructure, namely to:

  • Sophisticated computer services;
  • Powerful computers, networks, grids, repositories, databanks;
  • Safely storing large quantities of scientific data;
  • Participation in virtual research communities;
  • World-class operational communication and computing infrastructure to facilitate scientific research.

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RICH Academy and RIs visit in Brussels - Register Now

RICH Academy and RIs visit in Brussels - Register Now

We kindly invite you to participate in RICH Europe's next activities in Brussels in October 2024. Specifically: - on 22nd October 2024: RICH Acadamy - Mutual Learning Workshop - Share&Learn Group - visit to RI. You can find attached the final agenda.

NCP-only training


Research infrastructure

22/10/2024 - Brussels
Transnational and Virtual Access Webinar

Transnational and Virtual Access Webinar

Thursday, 27 April, at 10:00 CET on Webex platform, the second webinar on TA/VA opportunities



Research infrastructure
Cluster 5

27/04/2023 - On-line
Introduction to "Excellent Science"
PIllar 1 course

Introduction to "Excellent Science"

This course aims to provide NCPs with basic knowledge of the pillar 1 programmes (ERC, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions and Research Infrastructures).


NCP Portal Management

RICH News - Episode 3, July 2023 Edition

RICH News - Episode 3, July 2023 Edition

A 30 minutes online informative space, to discover the latest news and the forthcoming activities and events in RICH Europe network and in Research Infrastructures Landscape.

NCP-only training


Research infrastructure

25/07/2023 - On-line
Recording and Presentations avalaible: RICH Europe’s Virtual Information Session on Social Aspects in RIs

Recording and Presentations avalaible: RICH Europe’s Virtual Information Session on Social Aspects in RIs

RICH Europe project organizes a new virtual info session, the topic of this session will be the Social Aspects in RIs. This event is organized in collaboration with Net4Society (Cluster 2) open to all NCPs. Registration is compulsory and the agenda can be downloaded below.

NCP-only training


Research infrastructure
Cluster 2

31/01/2024 - Online
Global Service Facility Horizon NCP Exchange Webinar - Discover the “RICH-EUROPE” Project

Global Service Facility Horizon NCP Exchange Webinar - Discover the “RICH-EUROPE” Project

This 42-minute video provides an overview of the tools and services offered by the “RICH-EUROPE” project. It informs about the “RICH-EUROPE” activities & tools and it shows how Horizon Europe Research Infrastructures National Contact Points (NCPs) in EU partner countries can benefit from these in th...



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RICH Academy in Brussels - Save the Date!

RICH Academy in Brussels - Save the Date!

RICH Europe kindly invites you to participate in the next RICH Europe's Academy (Training, Mutual Learning and visit to a Research Infrastructure).

NCP-only training


Research infrastructure

22/10/2024 - Brussels
RICH Academy in Brussels - October 2024

RICH Academy in Brussels - October 2024

RICH Europe kindly invites you to participate in the next RICH Europe's Academy (Training, Mutual Learning and visit to a Research Infrastructure).

NCP-only training


Research infrastructure

22/10/2024 - Brussels