
Destination 2: Fair, healthy and environment-friendly food systems from primary production to consumption

Proposals for topics under this destination should set out a credible pathway contributing to fair, healthy, safe, climate- and environment‑friendly, sustainable and resilient food systems from primary production to consumption, ensuring food and nutrition security for all within planetary boundaries in Europe and across the world.

More specifically, proposed topics should contribute to one or more of the following impacts:

  • enable sustainable farming systems that i) provide consumers with affordable, safe, healthy and sustainable food, ii) increase the provision of ecosystem services, iii) restore and strengthen biodiversity, iv) minimise pollution and pressure on ecosystems and greenhouse gas emissions, v) foster plant, animal and public health, vi) improve animal welfare, and vii) generate fair economic returns for farmers;
  • enable sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, in marine and inland waters, increasing aquatic multi-trophic biomass production in a way compatible with the protection of aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity, and the diversification of fisheries and aquaculture products, for fair, healthy, climate-resilient and environment-friendly food systems with a lower impact on aquatic ecosystems and improved animal welfare;

accelerate the transition to sustainable, healthy and inclusive food systems, delivering co-benefits for climate change mitigation and adaptation, environmental sustainability and circularity, sustainable healthy diets and nutrition, food poverty reduction, empowered citizens and communities, and flourishing food businesses, while ensuring food safety and the economic sustainability of EU food systems during the transition.

Policies and Strategies  Links Links
'Fit for 55': delivering the EU's 2030 Climate Target on the way to climate neutrality pdf  
European Green Deal  pdf  
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals  website  
Farm to Fork Strategy  pdf  
New Common Agricultural Policy   pdf website
Common Fisheries Policy  pdf  
FOOD 2030 Policy Framework pdf  
2030 Biodiversity Strategy  pdf  
EU Action Plan: Towards Zero Pollution for Air, Water and Soil pdf  
EU Action Plan for the development of organic production pdf  
Directives and Regulations     
European Partnership for Animal Health and Welfare (PAHW) website  
Soils Mission Implementation Plan   pdf  
Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030 pdf  
Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy website  
European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-AGRI) website  
European Partnership for a climate neutral, sustainable and productive Blue Economy (SBEP) website  
European Partnership for Safe and Sustainable Food Systems website  
EU-Africa Partnership on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA) website  
EIT FOOD website  
Knowledge Centre for Global Food and Nutrition Security website  
Africa Knowledge Platform website