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MSCA Training

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MSCA-NET Training

MSCA-NET Training

MSCA-NET Trainings 3 - 4 May 2023 - Copenhagen, Denmark The next project training activities will take place the 3-4 May 2023 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The draft agenda foresees the following topics: -Training on Financial & Legal Issues in MSCA -Training on Consortium Agreement, Grant Agreem...



03/05/2023 - 04/05/2023
Train the trainer on MSCA COFUND

Train the trainer on MSCA COFUND

This online training on MSCA COFUND was organised with a target for the widening countries and theirs applicants. The presentations are available on CIRCABC for the MSCA NCPs.




28/11/2022 - Online
MSCA Training on Evalution Procedures, Supervisions and MSCA Promotion

MSCA Training on Evalution Procedures, Supervisions and MSCA Promotion

During this 2 days trainings in Bologna, the MSCA NCP could be trained on the Evaluation Procedure, Supervisions and MSCA Promotion . The training material is available on the CIRCABC platform for the MSCA NCPs only.




08/11/2022 - 09/11/2022 - Bologna