Pathways2Resilience First Call for Regions and Communities: Extended deadline (and UK regions now eligible!)

PATHWAYS2RESILIENCE First call for applicants

Published on: 06/03/2024

The Pathways2Resilience call 1 deadline is being extended until Monday 6 May 2024 12:00 CET. Following the accession of the United Kingdom to the Horizon Europe Programme, UK regions are now also eligible for funding.

The EU funded project Pathways2Resilience is a key contributor to the implementation of the EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change. The Pathways2Resilience programme will allocate EUR 21 million in sub-grants via two open calls to support at least 100 European regions and communities to co-design locally-led resilience pathways.

In the first Pathways2Resilience call for applicants, 40 regions and communities will be selected to receive a sub-grant of up to EUR 210.000 for a project period of 18 months to support activities related to the development of the resilience pathways.

The programme will guide regions and communities through different steps to accelerate their path towards climate resilience, resulting in the creation of:

  • A baseline report
  • A climate resilience strategy
  • A climate resilience action plan
  • A climate resilience investment plan

Applicants do not need to explicitly be signatories to the Charter of the Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change to apply to the call, and UK regions are now also eligible.

The extended deadline for call 1 is Monday 6 May 2024 12:00 CET.

An online information session will be held on March 19.


For more information about the call and the info session, see the Pathways2Resilience website.