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Meet & Share: Citizen Engagement

Online Meet & Share on Citizen Engagement for Missions NCPs.

Date: -

Location: Online

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EU Missions in HE

Climate change, Cancer, Ocean and waters, Smart cities, Soil

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Target: National contact points

Themes: Missions in HE, Pillar 2

You are kindly invited to join an online event for NCPs – “Meet & Share: Citizen Engagement” on 4 February 2025. The information session for NCPs is organized by NCP4Missions, the official network of EU Missions NCPs.

While the event is tailored for NCPs of the EU Missions, we welcome all Horizon Europe NCPs who are working in these thematic areas.

This Meet & Share event is intended to provide NCPs with information on citizen participation in EU Missions and to facilitate a discussion on strategies to enhance citizen engagement in Mission-related activities.

During the event, speaker(s) will introduce the concept of citizen engagement within the context of EU Missions and present best practices for involving citizens. Furthermore, in the breakout session, NCPs will have the opportunity to discuss effective methods for organizing such events.

We invite you to review the recently published fact sheets below on the value of social engagement in the EU Missions. 



10:00 – 10:05 
Welcome and Introduction

An overview of the session's purpose and objectives, the critical role of citizen engagement in EU Missions, and a detailed outline of the agenda.

10:05 – 10:25 

Presentation: Citizen Engagement Concept from European Commission’s Perspective Fabienne GAUTIER, EC RTD, Heads of Unit for EU Missions

The definition of the concept of citizen engagement from the perspective of the European Commission, its approach, and the role of citizens in achieving the Mission objectives

10:25 – 10:45 
Presentation: EmpOweR Students as the agents of cHangE - SHORE Project
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Afşın Yusuf ÇETİNKAYA, Project Coordinator, Yıldız Technical University

A citizen engagement-focused project example, methods for ensuring citizen engagement, benefits, and challenges.


All registered participants will receive a Zoom link ahead of the event. The event can also be accessed directly here.

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