Mentoring activities

GREENET mentoring

GREENET Mentoring Programme

The GREENET Mentoring Programme runs from September to March each year of Horizon Europe. During this period, several mentoring groups of a maximum of 4 participants each will meet virtually at least 4 times to exchange knowledge about their work and experiences as NCPs. Each mentoring group acts individually and consists of one experienced NCP from Horizon Europe Cluster 5 and up to 3 new/less experienced NCPs.

The settings of our GREENET Mentoring Programme

When and for how long?

During the lifetime of Horizon Europe, there will be several mentoring phases, each lasting 6 months, from September to the beginning of March.

Who can become a mentee?

All officially nominated NCPs in Horizon Europe Cluster 5 with the need of more knowledge and support in a chosen specific mentoring field of HE Cluster 5 can become a mentee. Applications are open throughout the year, with a cut-off date in the summer.

Who can become a mentor?

All officially nominated NCPs in Horizon Europe Cluster 5 with experience and knowledge in a chosen specific mentoring field of HE Cluster 5 can become a mentor. Mentors are welcome to participate as often as they wish. Here too, applications are open throughout the year, with a cut-off date in summer.

How to apply?

The NCPs must express their interest in taking part with an email to, with “GREENET Mentoring Programme” in the subject line.

For more information please check the Digital Handbook or send an email to
