Twinning activities

Twinnings: Meet & Exchange for Cluster 5 NCPs

GREENET twinning activities take place at the institution of one inviting Horizon Europe Cluster 5 NCP. The inviting NCP organises a workshop for a maximum of 7 new and/or less experienced NCPs from other countries, involving direct exchange, knowledge transfer and sharing of new insights in order to learn from each other.

Twinning has a long tradition as an efficient instrument in the capacity-building process and includes direct exchange of experience.

The aim of the twinnings is to transfer knowledge and experience on the day-to-day and routine activities of Cluster 5 NCPs, aiming at strengthening the entire NCP network, especially through capacity building and exchange of best practices. Under GREENET, twinnings are addressed particularly but not exclusively to new and/or less experienced Cluster 5 NCPs.

The duration of the visit will be at least one day and it might include site visits and/or meetings with local stakeholders. The maximum duration for each visit is 2 days.

If physical meetings cannot be facilitated, they will take place in the form of online meetings of small CL5 NCP groups discussing their day-to-day activities. The duration of the online twinnings will be 60-90 minutes.

Bringing together hosting and visiting NCPs is one of the tasks under GREENET’s work package 5.4.

If you are interested in joining the twinning activities, please feel free to contact us via email at or check the Digital Handbook.