Citizens' voice for Climate Transition

Published on: 20/04/2023

DG RTD is organising a high-level online event on 3 May (14:00-17:00) that will bring to a close our Green Deal Call project “Citizens’ voice for Climate Transition”.

DG RTD is organising a high-level online event on 3 May (14:00-17:00) that will bring to a close our Green Deal Call project “Citizens’ voice for Climate Transition”. The event will be opened by Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič and moderated by our Director General Marc Lemaître.


The aim of this project was to elaborate national and a European Roadmaps identifying concrete actions to be undertaken at national and EU levels for the climate transition with the active participation of citizens. To do so, we organised two series of participatory workshops in each Member State with more than 800 citizens and more than 260 national experts. Their views, ideas and concerns were collected on three specific topics: sustainable food production, smart and sustainable mobility, and energy-efficient buildings. Three experts then gathered the input collected to develop the roadmaps.


This final event will present the EU Roadmap for Climate Transition and will give the opportunity to citizens, experts and European Commission representatives to react and discuss how the actions listed in the Roadmap can be addressed. Online participants will also be invited to react and ask questions through Slido. 

For more information and to join this event, register and login here.