European Commission launches survey to identify key R&I challenges and priorities in the areas of clean energy and mobility

Published on: 11/04/2024

The Commission has launched an online survey on ‘R&I challenges and priorities in the areas of clean energy and mobility. Broad participation of relevant stakeholders is welcomed. The survey’s findings will contribute to a reflection paper that will be offered as input to identify future priorities in these areas for Europe.

Survey Sections: The survey comprises two sections:

  • Section A - seeks to understand the background and affiliations of the participants.
  • Section B - Challenges, Priorities, and Added-Value: participants are prompted to identify key R&I priorities, assess the importance of various approaches and tools, and articulate challenges and priorities for clean energy and mobility-related R&I actions.

How to Participate: To contribute to this important exercise, please follow the survey link provided below: survey

Deadline for Participation: The survey will remain open until 21 April 2024.

Your Impact: By participating in this survey, you will be influencing the future trajectories of clean energy and mobility research and innovation efforts.