International Clean Energy Challenge !

Published on: 16/03/2023
The International Clean Energy Challenge is the annual event that brings together 40 young professionals and researchers under 35 to exchange best practices and opinions in the search for ad-hoc solutions to address the real challenges of energy transition and climate neutrality.
Grouped in interdisciplinary work teams, it is an opportunity to benefit from a network of experts who will accompany participants through mentoring and training in an environment of young innovators from all EU and non-EU countries.
- Minimum 3 years' professional experience
- University degree (e.g. Bachelor's degree)
- Strong interest in EU energy transition and climate neutrality policies
- Good knowledge of English
- Born after 1987
When and where it takes place
24-28 July 2023 in Spital am Pyhrn, Austria.
The event is organised by the Energy Agency of Upper Austria, and in order to participate you must fill out the online application form by 14 April by clicking here