Open Call in CHANSE and HERA on "Crisis from the Humanities Perspective"

Cover Page of Chanse_HERA Call

Published on: 29/06/2023

CHANSE (Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe) and HERA (Humanities in the European Research Area) launched a transnational call on "Crisis – Perspectives from the Humanities" with deadline for outline proposals on 21 September 2023 at 14:00 CET and deadline for invited full proposals on 26 March 2024 at 14:00 CET.


21 September 2023 at 14:00 (CET): deadline for outline proposals

26 March 2024 at 14:00 (CET): deadline for invited full proposals


Weblink (URL):


Short Call Abstract:

Proposals may explore any conception of crisis across time, any aspect of crisis throughout history (i.e  epidemics, pandemics, political upheavals, religious conflicts, wars, migrations, etc.) on both a macro and micro scale.

In particular, proposals will explore understandings of crisis, and how, by whom and why an event is defined as a crisis in the first place.


Proposals may involve investigating a variety of perspectives from one or several of the following sub-themes.

  1. Different understandings of crises: proposals will focus  on the conceptualization of crisis and they may investigate how all crises have a discursive dimension, which could be explored from several points of view;
  2. Crises and the human response: proposals could investigate how media, politics and other entities contribute to the escalation or/and de-escalation and resolving of crises; how some assertions of belonging create, contribute to or respond to crises; if the concept of crisis is an effective – or equally effective – tool for analysis and explanation in the political, cultural, intellectual and economic domains
  3. The representation of crises : this subtopic focuses more on investigating the evolution of crisis representation, so applicants for this sub-theme are encouraged to explore responses in the humanities and arts to representations of crises and the affects involved both in the production and reception of representation of disruptive and/or transformative events. Equally they are invited to address creativity engendered by crises – including as a positive reaction that helps to overcome the traumas caused by them –, discourses and imaginings of crises, as well as the potential for regeneration and hope.


SSH aspects (keywords/disciplines):

Disciplines may include but are not limited tо History, Political sciences, Sociology, Economics, Humanities, Arts, Anthropology etc.


Specific participation requirements (optional):

Each collaborative research project must comprise a minimum of four and a maximum of six eligible Principal Investigators (PI), based in institutions eligible to the Call funders from four or more different countries. It must also include at least one Associate Partner (stakeholders, for example in the public sector, policy makers, and the creative and cultural sectors, who may provide significant added value and valuable insights to the project from the user’s perspective).


Applicants are strongly encouraged to take equality and diversity dimension issues into consideration. Each project team should strive to include researchers early in their careers as participants in the project. The call strives to promote gender equality and encourages female researchers in particular to apply.


** For further details please check the call document.



Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, France, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom