Funding Opportunities

Cluster 2 aims at including the Social Sciences and Humanities as a cross-cutting issue and consequently it is, additionally to Cluster 2, embedded into each pillar and objective of Horizon Europe.


The idea is to fully integrate the STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) disciplines together with the SSH tackling the complex societal issues of European societies.


The Socio-economic sciences and Humanities include a wide range of disciplines, encompassing sociology and economics, psychology and political science, history and cultural sciences, law and ethics.


In addition to Horizon Europe, a number of European research funding initiatives provide further funding opportunities for Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH). 

On this website, open calls of relevance for SSH are listed and monthly updated.

Cluster 2

Cluster 2

"Culture, creativity and inclusive society"

SSH Integration in Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe aims at including the SSH as a cross-cutting issue and consequently it is embedded into each pillar and objective of Horizon Europe.

Other funding opportunities

In addition to Horizon Europe, a number of European research funding initiatives provide further funding opportunities for SSH.

Funding Opportunities for the Cultural and Creative Sectors

CulturEU Funding Guide: Easy access to the funding opportunities available for the cultural and creative sectors across all the funding sources of the European Union available in 2021-2027.