Open call with SSH aspects on fostering agroecology

Flat landscape

Published on: 18/03/2024

Co-funded open call with SSH aspects launched on "Fostering agroecology at farm and landscape levels" with deadline for pre-proposals on 26 April 2024.


Deadline for pre-proposals26 April 2024, 14:00 (CEST)

Deadline for full proposal submission: 19 September 2024, 14:00 (CEST)


Weblink (URL):

Guidelines for Applicants


Short Call Abstract:

The aim of this call is to support transdisciplinary research and innovation initiatives aimed at facilitating the transition to agroecology of both conventional and organic farming systems. 

Proposals must address one of the two themes: 

Theme 1 - Enhancing agroecology at the farm level

The projects are expected to identify, evaluate and integrate existing scientific and practical knowledge, including local and/or traditional knowledge, relating to the various components of cultivated.

Theme 2 - Implementing agroecology at the landscape level

ecosystems: soils, plants, animals and microorganisms, whether pathogenic or symbiotic, as well as interactions amongst plants, between plants and animals and between plants and other organisms (insects, fungi, microorganisms). Proposals should address at least three of the necessary development stages mentioned in the call text, below those most relevant for SSH: 

  • Perform an integrated assessment of the socio-economic impacts of the proposed practices, considering the ecosystem services they provide and their associated social and ecological impacts, their potential benefits and trade-offs, economic viability, the potential for their upscaling, outscaling and social implications
  • Design strategies supporting agroecology at the landscape level, integrating territorial planning, enhancing the coherence of agricultural and environmental policies and regulations in a given landscape/territory, and promoting new governance systems.
  • Propose and test incentives supporting a transition to agroecology at the landscape level, which may include but not be restricted to eco-schemes, payment for ecosystem services, adapted credit, taxes, public procurement or the implications of labelling.

Both themes necessitate evaluation of the socio-economic impact of the studied changes to practices and It will also be necessary to identify potential barriers to the implementation of the new practices and production systems under

consideration and to ensure their technical, social, economic and environmental sustainability (e.g., regulations and incentives, supply chain organisation, consumer awareness, etc.)


SSH aspects (keywords/disciplines):

Sociology, Economics, Law


Specific participation requirements (optional):

Consortia applying must comprise a minimum of three eligible partners seeking funding from at least three distinct countries and from three distinct Funding Parties contributing funds to the co-funded call.

Proposals should be based on a multidisciplinary and integrated approach with a multi-actor perspective (i.e., gathering scientists of all relevant disciplines including social sciences and humanities, and other types of actors including farmers, extension services, upstream and downstream agriculture companies, consumers and civil society, local and regional authorities

** For all questions related to the Call, please contact the Call Office of the 1st Call of the Agroecology partnership: Ulrike Ziegler Daniela Piaz Barbosa Leal Silvana Hudjetz

More information here.  



Belgium, Switzerland, Cyprus, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, Turkey