Open Call with SSH oportunities on Nature-Based Solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)

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Published on: 22/09/2023

BIODIVERSA+ launched a transnational call with SSH opportunities on “Nature-Based Solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)” with deadline for pre-proposals on 10 November 2023, 15:00 CET and full proposals on 9 April 2024, 15:00 CEST.



Deadline for Pre-proposal submission: 10 November 2023, 15:00 CET (Brussels time)

Deadline for full proposal submission: 09 April 2024, 15:00 CEST(Brussels time)


Weblink (URL):

 Call text


Short Call Abstract:

This call will aim at supporting research on biodiversity to gain a better understanding of the tipping points and trade-offs and underlying mechanisms affecting Nature-based Solutions.

To do so, it will support transnational, interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and cross-sectoral research projects in all parts of the world addressing one or more of the three (non-exclusive) themes below:


Theme A: Synergies and trade-offs of Nature-Based Solutions in the context of human well-being

This theme focuses on multiple links between the different goals of NBS, with a focus on jointly improving the well-functioning of the ecological system with human well-being, including physical and mental health, food and water security, as well as risk avoidance/prevention.


Theme B: Nature-Based Solutions mitigating anthropogenic drivers of biodiversity loss

This theme will address cross-sectoral approaches to direct and indirect drivers which negatively affect biodiversity (by loss or by change) including climate change, habitat destruction and fragmentation, invasive species, pollution, etc.


Theme C: The contribution of Nature-Based Solutions for just transformative change

This theme will address the contribution of NBS as drivers for just transformative change and just livelihoods, with specific regard to identification of barriers to transformation.


SSH aspects (keywords/disciplines):

Sociology, Psychology, Economics

Specific participation requirements (optional):

  • The project must be a transnational project involving eligible research Partners from at least three different countries participating in the call and requesting support from at least three different Funding Organisation.
  • Research projects will be expected to be transnational, inter- and transdisciplinary and mobilise as needed natural sciences, technical sciences, and social sciences and humanities


For more detail please check the call document



Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada-Québec, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Georgia, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Marocco, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Moldova Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, The Netherlands, Tunisia, Türkiye.

For more detail please check the Funding Organisation Rules.