Open Call with SSH opportunities on sustainable technologies to decrease food loss and waste

Published on: 26/02/2024
Deadline for pre-proposal submission: 02 April 2024, 17.00 (CET)
Deadline for full proposal submission: 25 September 2024, 17.00 (CET)
Weblink (URL):
Short Call Abstract:
This call aims to support the deployment and demonstration of sustainable solutions to reduce food losses and waste, save energy, and enhance food safety during postharvest activities, including transportation, storage, and processing. The specific focus is on plant-based food and waste. These solutions should be scalable, sustainable, cost-effective, and tailored to smallholders in rural areas with limited access to electricity.
The emphasis should be on the exploitation and dissemination of results, meaning that projects should not only focus on research and development but also on effectively utilizing and commercializing the outcomes and findings.
Proposals should also analyse the economic, social, and environmental impact of renewable-based solutions and green technologies on reducing food losses and waste and improving food quality, including at the nutraceutical and sensorial levels.
Projects should also produce a joint policy brief that aligns with the call's scope and objectives with the aim to translate the main lessons learned, knowledge, and evidence generated through project work into key messages for policymakers
SSH aspects (keywords/disciplines):
Economics, Sociology, Political Science
Specific participation requirements (optional):
In addition to the minimum number of participants set out in the standard eligibility conditions, consortia must include at least an additional legal entity established in a Mediterranean Partner Country (MPC).
More information here
Croatia, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Spain, Slovenia and Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT) linked to these Member States; Israel, Tunisia, Turkey, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco.