Updated edition of opportunities for the Social Sciences and Humanities in Horizon Europe is out!

Published on: 05/06/2024

The updated edition of the document `Opportunities for Researchers from the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in Horizon Europe` has been published! This Analysis of SSH-relevant Topics in Work Programme 2023-25 is the key resource to find calls and topics with relevance for the Social Sciences and Humanities all over Horizon Europe.

Download the document here!


Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe aims at fully integrating Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in each of its pillars. In particular, under the pillar 'Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness', SSH should be fully integrated across all clusters. SSH is therefore a cross-cutting issue and integrated in the whole Framework Programme.

While SSH research aspects are particularly present in Cluster 2 ‘Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society’, they are also present in all other clusters and in other parts of Horizon Europe.

Horizon Europe requires applicants to submit proposals and build consortia that transcend disciplinary and sectorial boundaries, bringing together scholars from SSH and from life and physical sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), as well as researchers and practitioners across these fields.

The SSH encompass a wide range of disciplines such as sociology and economics, psychology and political science, history and cultural sciences, law and ethics. Contributions from these research and activity fields are needed under Horizon Europe to generate new knowledge, support evidence-based policymaking, develop key competences and produce multidisciplinary solutions to both societal and technological issues.

SSH-flagged topics across Horizon Europe

To assist SSH researchers in identifying funding opportunities, the European Commission (EC) has established a search engine within its online Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal. Certain topics with substantial SSH aspects have been “flagged” by the EC as SSH-relevant, and the search engine offers the option to quickly search for the specific priority ‘Socio-economic science and humanities’. It also allows for keyword and full-text search.


The document

This document compiles the “SSH-flagged topics” listed on the Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal and is based on the analysis of SSH-relevant topics carried out jointly by the thematic services and Unit D.3 Health and Societal Transitions of the EC Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. The document also includes a few additional topics that, while not flagged, may require the contribution of Social Sciences and Humanities researchers.